

Leaders across Canada are coalescing around a common goal - to create a culture of health and safety in our workplaces and communities. Following is a timeline that shows the progress we've made since the first Health and Safety Charter was launched.

  • The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network and Thomson Reuters launch the Canada’s Best Health + Safety Culture Award – the top prize in the prestigious Canada's Safest Employers Awards program.
  • Workplace Safety & Prevention Services launches The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network, a reinvigoration of the former CEO Health and Safety Leadership Charter.
  • The Network is formally launched at the Canada's Safest Employer Awards.
  • Charter Members from BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario meet to determine how The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) and Charter members can continue cultivating health and safety at a national level
  • Charter Executive proposes a National Occupational Health & Safety Scorecard to assist employers in benchmarking their practices
  • CBoC seeks to become a "national umbrella" as a source of research, an accountability framework for senior leaders across Canada and a common framework to share information among Charter organizations.
  • CBoC launches CASHC - the Canadian Alliance for Sustainable Health Care - a research think tank
  • 200 business leaders commit to the Saskatchewan Charter with an additional 69 committing the following year
  • 300 individuals from all provinces except Manitoba, PEI and the Territories sign the Charter
  • Safety Alliance of British Columbia is formed
  • CBoC assumes ownership of the Charter
  • Bruce Power's President and CEO, Duncan Hawthorne, meets with federal, provincial and territorial ministers of labour to seek their support in creating a Health and Safety Charter
  • The Charter is launched at the Health & Safety Canada Conference with 54 initial signees
  • OSSA hosts a CEO Health & Safety Charter Workshop


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